Audley Care FAQs
If I require Audley Care, how do I go about arranging it?
Contact Audley Care to book a home visit from your local Branch Manager who will explain the ways we can help over a friendly chat. Once you have decided how you would like us to care for you at home, simply sit back and leave the rest to us.
What can my Carer help me with?
Audley Care provides a holistic approach to home care and a wide range of services to help you make the most of every day. We can assist you with getting out of or into bed, bathing, shaving, getting dressed, ironing, preparing meals, collecting prescriptions or shopping to name a few.
Whether you're in need of rehabilitation support or simply some companionship throughout the day, our carers can tailor your experience to your individual needs.
See our full list of home care services.
Will I have the same person to help me every day?
Continuity of Care is extremely important to us, so we do our best to ensure you are assisted each time by the same small group of carers.
We will also provide the opportunity for you to get to know the wider homecare team at your local branch, so you will recognise a familiar face if your main carer is absent or on holiday.
How can I be confident that my carer will complete all their tasks?
A senior care team member will visit you and discuss the services/tasks you require, you will then work together to design a Care Plan tailored to your needs with a copy being left in your home. Care workers will read your Care Plan at each visit to ensure they are delivering the services you require, following completion of the care visit electronic care notes are recorded to which upon request you and or a family member who has power of attorney can access these remotely.
In your folder you will have a personalised tag which the care worker will scan with a mobile device, this enables our office teams to monitor and report on things such as the time spent with customers and billing.
Is my personal security assured?
Here at Audley, we have over 25 years' experience in home care and an enviable record of service delivery.
We are incredibly proud of our highly trained, compassionate local carers who all undergo a vigorous vetting procedure before they begin working. Additionally, you can feel assured in the knowledge that staff will always be in uniform, carrying a personalised ID card indicating their name, photograph, and signature.
How much does the service cost?
We pride ourselves on our competitive prices and will always ensure you do not spend more than you need to.
There is no price list of pre-packaged care programmes as you pay only for the services that you use.
Contact your local Branch Manager to discuss the cost of your personal home care package.
Can I get any help with the cost of care?
Contact your Local Branch Manager to discuss the financial assistance options available to you.
How do I pay for my care?
You'll receive your Audley Care invoice monthly. Payments are made by Direct Debit or an alternative method agreed upon with the Care Branch Manager.
What happens if I need assistance outside of office hours?
We know your needs don't stop when the office closes. That's why we maintain an out-of-hours emergency service, where your call will be answered and assisted by a senior member of our care team.