When there are no chores to be done, no shopping to do, and no errands to run... we have time to indulge in a little more quiet time. As they say, "A puzzle a day keeps the doctor away!". That may be 'an apple a day' actually, although both are very good for your health and wellbeing.
Concentrating on a puzzle, a riddle or a quiz increases brain stimulation and promotes a healthier, more positive state of mind. Particularly when you answer them correctly.

Have a go...
Puzzle Set 1
Download the quiz sheet and see how you fare... no cheating!

Have a go...
Puzzle Set 2
Download the quiz sheet and see how you fare... no cheating!

Try one of our other trivia games...
How many of these common sayings do you recall using? Or perhaps you still do.
Audley Village or luxury hotel? Try our photo quiz.
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