Cooking healthy food at home is easy if you have time-saving kitchen gadgets to make prep easier. You’ll enjoy cooking more and be able to retain more of the nutrients in your food. Depending on your diet, we’re sure you’ll find at least a few helpful pieces of kit from this list:

high-powered blender: Many of the nutrients in your food is lost when you remove the skins, so if you invest in a high-powered blender, you can keep the skins on and still prepare healthy soups.
food processor: Whatever your need to chop, a food processor is a great option to get the job done quickly and easily.
Spiralizer: Turn your veggies into noodles and skip the pasta some days with a handy device that slices and curls.

simple zester: Zesting lemon rind or ginger into your dishes can be a low-calorie way to boost flavour content.
stick blender: For simple blending tasks like making guacamole or pesto, a hand blender is a great tool for these quick jobs.

air fryer: Enjoy crispy chips with half the fat by investing in an air fryer. Great for all sorts of quick crisping jobs in the kitchen.
rice cooker: Rice is a great starch and investing in a rice cooker makes dishes quicker to cook.

cast-iron cookware: Greatly reduce your dependence on oils for cooking with a set of professional cast-iron skillets which allow you to virtually eliminate excess oils.
mason jars: Maintain healthy portions and keep food fresher for longer with a reusable mason jar.

salad spinner: Stop washing and drying leaves by hand. Invest in a salad spinner to enjoy freshly washed salad faster than ever.
grating box: Grate and store cheese, veg and other items easily with an all-in-one solution.

coloured cutting boards: Keep fish, meat and veggies separate when cutting in the kitchen with helpfully coloured boards.
measuring spoons: Keep them by the stove to quickly measure in oil and spices for cooking without the fuss.

electric griddle: Remove a significant portion of excess fat from your grilled meats with a countertop grill.
crock-pot: Slow-cook tough cuts of meat to make them more tender and inject flavour.

kitchen scale: Measuring ingredients is easier with a countertop cooking scale.
silicone baking mat: Skip buttering your pans and make healthier baked goods with a non-stick silicone baking mat.

vegetable steamer: Retain as many nutrients as possible by steaming instead of boiling your veg.
herb scissors: Cut herbs into perfectly-sized pieces with multi-blade shears that quickly slice chives, scallions and other small veg.
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