Volunteer to support another owner.

Would you like to volunteer to support an Audley owner who might be feeling lonely or need someone to talk to?

Following a suggestion by one of our owners, we'd like to encourage a support service where anyone feeling lonely can call another owner for a chat or meet face-to-face for a coffee. It's a great way to meet new people too.

If you would like to volunteer your time to support another owner and/or you feel this would benefit you, please fill in the form below and we'll soon share with you details of owners you can call in your village.

name etc.
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Please tell us the best number(s) to reach you on.
Let us know if you have an alternative mobile or landline number.
Please tell us your preferred date to visit, or confirm your attendance at a special event.
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Please tick how you would prefer to be contacted. If you are happy for us to contact you via all means, please tick all 3 boxes.

By registering to become an Audley Advocate you consent to Audley using your photos and content for marketing purposes on our websites, social media, and other communications. Advocates will not be offered compensation for services as standard, although some third party public speaking opportunities may include a discretionary gift and may include travel expenses.

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