Why choose personal training

With your local Audley Club

Knowing what to do, how to do it and when to do it can be confusing when thinking about your exercise and putting it into a regular routine. Audley Club have the solution for you.

Our team of personal trainers can help you with what, when and how to start or progress to the next step, by creating the best exercise outlook for you and helping with the motivation to achieve your exercise goals.

Our PT packages

We can work with you to visualise your short and long-term goals within one of our structured personal training packages.

We offer mobility packages, 45 minute packages and 60 minute packages based of what you wish to achieve.

  • Personal Training Offering
  • Mobility session (30 minutes)
  • PT session (45 minutes)
  • PT session (60 minutes)
  • Block booking: 1; 4; 8; & 12 sessions (30 minutes)

Membership offers

New member offers and open days are available from time to time

From 3-month trial membership packages to complimentary gifts to referral offers, ask about our current membership options when you talk to us.

Frequently Asked Questions - personal training

What is personal training?

Personal Training is a 1 to 1 training/workout session for the Client with a Certified Training. You will agree beforehand what the focus is and will work towards that. This kind of training will give the client the confidence to work on things they might not consider themselves, it will give them the extra pair of eyes to make sure they are doing it correctly, it will give them the motivation and it will keep you focussed and consistent.

What does personal training include?

It can include anything from working on Mobility, Balance, Strength, Co-ordination, Nutrition… anything physical the client wants to improve and feel better about. (but it goes much deeper than just the physical side of things)

Is it worth getting a personal trainer?

Absolutely, it’s an investment in a better future you. It is never too late to start that journey as you can only improve your today.

Get in touch

If you would like to discuss how time with one of our personal trainers can benefit you, please get in touch below or give us a call. We offer annual memberships, monthly memberships and even day passes should you so wish. All enquiries welcome.

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