Apple Tarte Tatin recipe

Complements of our incredible Head Chef at Mayfield Watford in Hertfordshire, here's a simple recipe for a delicious Apple Tarte Tatin. Warming, indulgent, and simple to prepare, this recipe is perfect for Autumn.

Now on the Audley menu

You can find Apple Tarte Tatin on the new Autumn menu available in all Audley Restaurants from 18th September.


  • 3 cooking apples (1 large one makes two small. If you can't find cooking apples, you can use any variety of apple but may then need slightly less sugar to sweeten the dish)
  • 55g unsalted butter (you'll still get the desired effect if you use salted butter)
  • 55g caster sugar
  • A dash of vanilla essence
  • A few drops of water (for the caramel sauce)
  • 300g puff pastry (ready rolled is fine if you're in a rush, although if you have the time I always recommend making everything from scratch)
Home made chef recipe for apple tarte tatin


  • Preheat your oven to 180 degrees (160 fan).
  • Heat the pan for your caramel, add in your 55 grams of caster sugar.
  • Then begin peeling the apples, removing all the skin, core and seeds. Cut the apples in to wedges.
  • Remember to keep checking on the caramel so that it doesn’t burn. Stir your caramel and add in the 55 grams of butter, stirring until it's all melted, then add in the dash of vanilla essence.
  • Your caramel is now ready. Time to add your cut apple wedges in to the caramel sauce and make sure all apples are coated well.
  • Begin adding in the apple to your small pans. Add just enough to fill but not too much, (remember we need to fit the pastry on top and down the sides). 
  • Once both pans are filled, drizzle a little of the left over sauce on top to make sure all the apple wedges are covered. Be sure to save some of the sauce for serving.
  • Your tartes are now ready for the oven. Please bake for 30 minutes or until they begin browning on top.
  • When you're ready to serve, use a spoon to detach carefully from the pans, then serve with ice-cream (I find the cold is a great balance to the warm tarte) and drizzle with either melted chocolate or the remaining caramel sauce.
  • TOP TIP: You can cook your tartes a day or two ahead and keep in the pan in the fridge, then reheat in the oven for 20 mins at 150C/130C fan/gas 2 around an hour before serving. Turn out to serve as above.

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