Owner's photography exhibition

Magna Carta Park Photography Group of owners

The Magna Carta Park Photography Group

With over 150 photographs on display, The Magna Carta Park Photography Group held their fundraising exhibition earlier this week at Audley Cooper’s Hill, showcasing the group’s exceptional talents and raising money for two local charities close to the group’s hearts, The Woking & Sam Beare Hospice and Cancer Research UK.   

Having first met as neighbours at Audley Cooper’s Hill, Dr Towler and Mr Hacker founded the photography group during the COVID lock down and what started off as a Zoom meet up, has now become a regular monthly in-person meet.

Speaking to Mr Hacker, the two main ideas behind the group were to have fun, and to ignite the passion for photography in anyone and everyone who is interested in taking photographs. After all, everyone has a camera on their smartphone these days! During the monthly meet-ups advice and guidance on photographic technique, composition, and editing skills are shared and first-hand experience is encouraged with the main intention of the group being to motivate others to get up, get out, and use your camera.

The Magna Carta Park Photography Group currently has 15 members and is keen for the wider community to get involved. If you missed out on the day and are looking to purchase one of the photographs please contact Chris Towler on coopershillreception@audleyvillages.co.uk


You can read more stories from Mr Hacker and Dr Towler here.

Below is a selection of photographs which were on display at the exhibition:

Beach at Lacanau Ocean, France by Ian Burns
Beach at Lacanau Ocean, France by Ian Burns
Wing Tip Sun Rise by Celeste Difford
Wing Tip Sun Rise by Celeste Difford
I’m Looking at you by David Hacker
I’m Looking at you by David Hacker
Up, Up and Away by Sophie Thorne
Up, Up and Away by Sophie Thorne
Sun Voyager, Reykjavik by David Hacker
Sun Voyager, Reykjavik by David Hacker
Sky over Cooper's Hill by Chris Towler
Sky over Cooper's Hill by Chris Towler
Gambian Siesta by Peter Jarvis
Gambian Siesta by Peter Jarvis
A picture of innocence by David Hacker
A picture of innocence by David Hacker

The Magna Carta Park Photography Group currently has 15 members and is keen for the wider community to get involved.

If you missed out on the day and are looking to purchase one of the photographs

please contact Chris Towler at
