Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Outstanding scores in the latest inspection reports
The Care Quality Commission ensures that health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and they encourage Audley Villages, and all care providers, to continuously improve our standards.
We are delighted to report that three of our villages offering retirement housing with care, have achieved Outstanding ratings in one area in their latest CQC inspection.
The Audley Care teams at Binswood, Inglewood and Ellerslie are thoroughly deserving of this recognition. Their dedication, commitment and naturally caring personalities shine through in everything they do to support Audley retirement housing with care for our Audley owners and providing care for all ages in the community.

Audley Care Malvern
Audey Care at Ellerslie is rated Good overall and Outstandingly well-led. This recognition was awarded following the latest CQC inspection on 26th January 2019.

Audley Care Berkshire
Audey Care at Inglewood is rated Good overall and Outstandingly caring. This recognition was awarded following the last CQC inspection on 6th April 2018.

Audley Care Royal Leamington Spa
Audey Care at Binswood is rated Good overall and Outstandingly caring. This recognition was awarded following the last CQC inspection on 9th October 2018.
Find out more about the care services provided to our homeowners over 55 in Audley Villages and also to retirees and young people within a 20 mile radius of each village. From companionship, to ironing, to round the clock support and palliative care.