For more details please call:
01784 557 376For more details please call:
01784 557 376About the village
Audley Cooper's Hill is located in the beautiful village of Englefield Green, near historic Runnymede in Surrey. This luxury village is the first of its kind in the area.
For more details please call:
01784 557 376
History of Cooper's Hill
Today, the Victorian Gothic building at Cooper's Hill is the centrepiece of a luxury Audley retirement village, but the former Brunel University Runnymede campus has a long and colourful history.
In the 16th Century, Henry VIII gave the site to Andrew, Lord Windsor. Two centuries later it passed to the Harcourt family, who built a new house on the site in the early 1800s. It became known as Coopershill.
Since that time the property has served as an engineering college, a refugee centre, an army convalescent home, student halls of residence and a training college (under various guises).
You'll find much more – including the site's links with London's statue of Eros and the singer Elton John – on our Audley Stories blog.