
Thank you to everyone for submitting your fabulous entries to this year’s Audley Springtime competitions. We have been delighted by the fantastic stories, poems, artwork, photos, and videos you have shared. Entries are featured below.

Baby rabbit venturing out early one morning close to Audley Clevedon, taken by Mrs Currie

Congratulations to Fiona Currie at Audley Clevedon, the winner of our 'new life' competition.

Mrs Currie has won a hamper.

Thank you to everyone for your fabulous Springtime entries this year.

Please keep sharing your photos and stories all year round.

A beautiful photo taken by Patricia K, owner at Willicombe Park

Congratulations to Patricia Kreyer at Audley Willicombe Park, the winner of our 'In Bloom' competition.

Mrs Kreyer has won a hamper for this fabulous photo of a poppy.

Thank you to everyone for your fabulous Springtime entries this year.

Please keep sharing your photos and stories all year round.

Poem shared by Eddie Thompson at Audley Willicombe Park

From the violent winds, come the lull of the breeze,
Seems some time since the winter freeze,
The strengthening sun gives us all hope,
Optimism urges us to know we can cope,
Blossoms abound,
And always surround
Us, giving determination in their wake,
Enabling us to break
The dread of winter's shackles.
Hallelujah, here comes Spring.

Spring poem written by Mrs Jenny McDowall at Audley Willicombe Park

Creation lies dormant in the dark
Flat earth, battered by Winter’s wrath
Battles against itself, and begins to win its way,
The fickle Sun and Rain play out their games.

Yesterday a little mound
Broke the ground.
Today tiny shoots of green
Leaves, still furled, are seen
Pushing up to shed their cloak of earth
Absorbing the water and stretching for warmth.

‘Spring has Sprung’
‘Birdies sing’ as in bygone times
The season repeats itself
And enchants all over again.
The pulse of life begins to quicken,
Unleashes our souls with joyfulness.

All the dismal man made troubles become as nothing
In a world so magical, that it raises hope
At the beginning of yet another yielding year.

Competition terms:

  • Email: stories@audleyvillages.co.uk “Springtime ‐ competition”
  • By submitting photos, content and videos you give Audley Group Ltd permission to use for marketing
  • Please include your name and village details when submitting if you would like to be credited
  • Winners will be confirmed and published as follows:
  • April winner‐ w/c 15th April
  • May winner – w/c 15th May
Snowdrops at Audley Stanbridge Earls

Read more spring planting tips from Mark, to help create a vibrant garden or balcony space.


What's coming up


21st – World planting day
15th - 31st March – The Great British Spring Clean


7th – International Beaver Day (Beaver Trust UK)
21st – World Curlew Day
28th - Save the Frogs Day


5th – International Dawn Chorus
5th - 11th - Hedgehog Awareness Week
11th – World Migratory Bird Day
20th – World Bee Day