Every New Year’s Day, millions of people of all ages try to motivate ourselves for a healthy fresh start for the year ahead. In January it's common to feel the effects of Christmas over-indulgence, but this year many of us are also feeling the impact of a very strange 10 months, with changes to our routines and often less exerciuse than in 2019.
So once the last After Eight has been devoured, the Bubble and Squeak recipe tucked away for a little while, and that new workout attire aired from the bottom of the wardrobe... it feels like it's time to set some goals for the months and year ahead of us.

Find a workout buddy
This year more than ever, following an exercise plan with someone else - even if it's virtually - can be the best way to motivate you.
It is undeniable that exercising with a friend is not only more enjoyable but also far more motivating. If you’ve made a virtual ‘gym date’ with someone and your commitment to fitness is wavering, you can’t give it a miss because not only will you be letting yourself down, you’ll be letting them down too!
It could be an online workout you both log in to, yoga on the TV while you're on a video call together, or a walk or run outdoors. Studies have shown that 95% of people who started a weight loss programme with friends completed it, compared to 76% of people who took it on alone.

Start small
Set realistic targets and start small. Rome wasn't built in a day and many of us now have the time to gradually make the changes we want to our health and fitness.
“Think of it not as a resolution, but as an evolution”
You don't need to start going for a 5 mile run every day. Start small and build on what you enjoy. You'll soon see the rewards!

Have some fun!
If the idea of hitting the treadmill alone fills you with dread, why not try something totally different? Audley owners and Club members tell us that their twice weekly Zumba class is a real highlight of their routine, not only stimulating their muscles but their spirits too!

Move more
A little or a lot... it all helps!
Tai Chi
Tai Chi not only exercises the muscles but also twists and stretches all parts of the body, massaging the internal organs. This exercise increases the flow of blood, fluid and energy throughout the body.
Chair Fit
A class working on balance, coordination and strength, designed for anyone with limited mobility.
Dance it out
From fast-paced records to calmer cool down tracks, why not dance along to a Zumba video workout or perhaps just freestyle it in your front room. Dancing can release endorphins and particular when it's to one of your favourite music tracks. Remember, making mistakes is part of the fun!

Get out in the fresh air!
Studies have shown that even a short bout of physical activity can help prevent chronic illness and lengthen your lifespan. The health benefits of exercise are available to all - irrespective of age and agility. There is also much to be said for just getting out for a walk in the fresh air at the moment. It can have an immediate positive impact on your state of mind, as well as the longer term health benefits of the physical activity. Audley Club members and property owners take regular walks through the grounds of their village.

Track your efforts
Over the last few years, fitness trackers have become more and more popular. Watching exactly how many calories you’ve burnt or how many steps you’ve taken that day can be extremely motivating and rewarding. It may also spark some friendly competition between you and your neighbours – why not set a weekly step goal and see who beats it first?
We look forward to reopening the doors of our 13 Audley Clubs to our owners and Club Members. We cannot yet plan exactly when that will be, but in the meantime we can all follow these tips and get out safely in the fresh air as much as we can, join classes from home and generally try to keep our minds and bodies as active as we can.
Read more exercise and wellbeing advice.