Mr and Mrs Finney recently spoke to BBC Radio Solent about their isolation experience at Audley Stanbridge Earls, and also wrote us a blog to share their story.
We arrived here on December 13th full of anticipation and excitement for a new life in Hampshire.
We have not been disappointed and immediately entered into all events and support that were offered. Christmas dinner was excellent and the first chance to meet our fellow villagers who have become good friends. Now in isolation, contact is made with a wave and a few words from a distance.
For Pete and I, we are blessed with each other’s company and after 53 years of marriage in some challenging times, we are coping well. Family and friends phone and email as social contact is so important and we have even learnt a new skill – Zoom!

Our ground floor apartment has two patios and so we are able to enjoy the sunshine having coffee on our garden bench and watch the world go by. Many of us are able to partake in online shopping so delivery vans visit frequently.
We are well served in so many ways and are very grateful.

The staff here are exceptionally caring in the support they give. They run the “Audley Pantry” which is stocked with essential items, they will go shopping for us and collect medication. The chef runs a take-away service and has been baking fresh herbal bread on a Friday and of course, the carers continue their valuable work. We receive regular bulletins of any changes along with our own monthly “My Audley” news containing pictures, quizzes, word searches, recipes and general items. Although, sensibly, a skeleton staff operate now, they are efficient and able to change roles at a moment’s notice and all done with a smile.

We are fortunate to have extensive, beautiful grounds with amazing variety of spring flowers including primroses, celandines, fritillaries, violets, wood anemones and speedwell. On the lakes, we have mallards with their new family of ducklings. There were 13, now unfortunately there are 3!!! There are accessible walks for all abilities enabling us to exercise daily.
Yes, we look forward to our picnics and walks by the sea and in the New Forest in the future. For now, let’s be so thankful for all on the front line enabling us to stay safe.
Sue and Peter Finney
Mr and Mrs Finney spoke to BBC Radio Solent about life at Audley Stanbridge Earls. Skip to 1:34:30 in the programme to hear their interview.
If, like Mr and Mrs Finney, you haven't used Zoom before and need a helping hand, take a look at the technology guides on Audley Stories to get you started with things like video calling, downloading apps, online games and podcasts.