To mark the occasion for World Wellbeing Week, ARCO (The Associated Retirement Community Operators) has launched a series of brand new videos that showcase just what a positive impact retirement communities like Audley have on the wellbeing of the people living and working there.
Each day this week there's a new video, featuring ARCO Members, including team members and owners at Audley retirement villages in Royal Leamington Spa, Malvern, London, Derbyshire and Buckinghamshire. Each video offers a unique take on how living or working in a retirement community has improved wellbeing.
The videos were filmed over Zoom during lockdown and ARCO would like to thank all Audley owners and team members who shared their experiences and made the making of these videos possible.
Please do share the videos on social media, and offer your own thoughts on how retirement communities positively impact on wellbeing. The official World Wellbeing Week handle is @wellbeing_week and the hashtag is #worldwellbeingweek
"It's a wonderful life"
Watch the video below, created by ARCO which captures the wonderful lifestyle of owners living at three luxury Audley retirement villages - Mr Garnett and Mr Paine at Audley Binswood in Royal Leamington Spa, Mrs Foster at Audley Chalfont Dene in Buckinghamshire and Mr Sheeran at Audley St Elphin's Park in Derbyshire. Thank you to our owners for their contribution to these videos created for World Wellbeing Week.
You can also read more about Mrs Foster's experience moving to Audley Chalfont Dene.
Watch the video below, created by ARCO which captures the active lifestyle of owners living in different retirement communities, including two luxury Audley villages - Audley Binswood in Royal Leamington Spa and Audley Ellerslie in the Malvern Hills. Thank you to Audley owners, Mr Garnett and Mrs WIlliams for their time and kind words shared in the video.
Watch the video below, created by ARCO which showcases the importance and benefit of having extra care and support on hand in retirement communities like Audley. Thank you to Mr Garnett and Mr Paine at Audley Binswood in Royal Leamington Spa and to Mrs Foster at Audley Chalfont Dene in Buckinghamshire for their contributions to this video.
"The best job I ever had."
The next video shows the pride and job satisfaction felt by many people working in retirement communities, including team members at Audley Villages. Thank you to Annelies Harte - Leisure Club Manager at the Audley Club in Clapham, Bibiana Taylor - Audley Carer in Tunbridge Wells, Laura Selby - Care Branch Manager at Audley St George's Place in Edgbaston, and Wesley Ridgway - General Manager at Audley Nightingale Place in Clapham.
"The best decision I ever made."
Below is the final video in the series created by ARCO, and features owners living at four of Audley's luxury retirement villages - Mr Garnett and Mr Paine at Audley Binswood in Royal Leamington Spa, Mrs Foster at Audley Chalfont Dene in Buckinghamshire, Mr Sheeran at Audley St Elphin's Park in Derbyshire and Mrs Williams at Audley Ellerslie in Malvern.
Thank you again to our owners and team members for their contribution to these videos for World Wellbeing Week and in all they do year-round.

ARCO (The Associated Retirement Community Operators) is the main body representing the UK retirement community sector.
ARCO was formed in September 2012 by its founder members, including Nick Sanderson Audley Group CEO, and it continually strives to promote confidence in the sector, ensuring that all members are providing a high quality service to their residents.
ARCO believes that meaningful, long-lasting partnerships and commitments are at the heart of solving the challenge of meeting the housing, care, and support needs of our ageing population. We emphatically believe that older people should:
- Be treated with respect and dignity
- Be valued for their contributions to society and to their communities
- Have what they need to be happy and healthy, including access to good support, care, and health services
- Be enabled and supported to live independently for as long as possible
- Be empowered and free to make informed choices
Read more about the lifestyle and how it works when buying a property in an Audley village.