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Just because you are away travelling, doesn’t mean you have to lose any progress you’ve been making on your mobility.
Retirement can often be an enjoyable and fulfilling time of life, but loneliness and isolation can still become a struggle
When trying to meet fitness goals, it can be an everyday struggle to work up the motivation to carry on with a routine. But there are some easy things you can do to reclaim your drive.
Cooking healthy food at home is easy if you have time-saving kitchen gadgets to make prep easier.
Resistance training has shown to reduce some negative effects of aging such as frailty and muscle loss.
Drinking enough water is crucial for our health. Here are six top tips to stay hydrated.
As we age, the body changes and it may become harder to absorb key nutrients or get all our needed nutrition from our usual diets.
Here are 31 more mindful ideas for August to take you through to the end of summer
Achieving your fitness goals can be hard. We’ve collected some tips to help you set and maintain your fitness goals.
As the UK continues the process of easing lockdown, we're thinking about the top things we are looking forward to.
Most people understand now that too much sugar can have negative effects on your body
Melissa Bray-Spicer, Audley Stanbridge Earls Leisure Manager shares three exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home to help with your core stability muscles.
As we age, our metabolism slows down and we all have to be more careful about the foods that we eat.
Each week our village teams are initiating a series of daily outdoor activities to ensure our owners stay in touch while practicing social distancing.
Zumba is an exercise class done to music and for participants it is a really fun way to keep fit.
Excel Physio in Buckinghamshire share their advice on the exercise of the month.
Katy Salliss, Care Branch Manager tells us the five key things all carers share an understanding of.
We ask Melissa about her career in the fitness industry, her top exercise tips and what motivates her each day.
Following on from our wellbeing expert's calendar of 30 steps to positivity, here are 30 more mindful ideas for June...
During these unprecedented times, it is no wonder than so many of us will have had our sleep impacted. With the help of the Sleep Foundation, we have put together some top tips to help you get a good night’s rest.
Top tips on how to trim your fringe and tidy up your ends, from a qualified hairdresser.
There is nothing like a spa day to make you feel relaxed and rejuvenated, though as of late those lavish days feel long behind us.
These simple chair-based exercises from our wellbeing expert Bay, are a great addition to your daily wellness routine.
Our new study has revealed the most popular activities to do during lockdown based on what we’ve been searching for the most online