In the wake of COVID-19 it is still important to continue to follow the hand washing guidelines and other measures recommended by Public Health England, but we can still all do our bit to save water.
The UK experienced the driest and sunniest spring (March – May) since records began in 1862, which came as a surprise following an extremely wet winter.
With more of us spending time at home this year, we are at risk of using too much water unnecessarily. With the help of WaterWise.org.uk we are sharing some top tips on ways you can save water to help the environment, and your wallet.
At home

Collect water used during cooking: Once cooled you can use the water for plants, or if you’re boiling vegetables, use leftover water to start a soup, or keep as vegetable stock.
Using the lid on saucepans reduces the amount of water lost through evaporation, it also speeds up the cooking process.
When refreshing a pet’s water bowl or bottle, use the old water on house plants rather than pouring it down the drain.

Think twice before washing clothes only worn once. Instead, try a quick iron or hang it up to freshen.
Check the manual on your washing machine to find out which cycles are the most water efficient. A typical load of washing is usually much less than the maximum capacity so make the most of your loads.
In the bathroom
Brushing your teeth: Don’t leave the tap running while you clean your teeth, just turn it on when you need it. A running tap wastes approximately six litres of water per minute.

Take a shower rather than a bath. A short shower will save water and, if you’re planning on exercising, schedule your shower for after your workout.
Place a bucket in the shower with you – you can collect the water while you’re waiting for it to warm up and any excess water you could use to flush your toilet.
Avoid shaving with the shower or tap running – use a small bowl or sink of water instead.
Research suggests that your hair thrives when you don’t wash it as much. Why don’t you use this time at home to try and reduce hair washing or use dry shampoo instead?

Fancy a relaxing bath? Try not to fill it to the top and when you’re done save the water and use a bucket to flush your toilet or water plants.
Apparently 5-8% of toilet cisterns leak. Check yours by adding some food colouring to the cistern before you go to bed, and if your toilet bowl water has changed colour in the morning you know you’ve got a leak.

If you’re gardening and watering plants, use a watering can instead of a hose – a hose pipe can use up to 1000 litres of water an hour, this is more than 12 baths.
Where possible, collect rainwater in a water butt and or buckets to use on the garden and potted plants.
It’s okay for the lawn to go brown as it helps it to build up resistance and will recover after rainfall. If you must use a sprinkler, try to use it in the early morning/ late afternoon as this is when evaporation rates are lowest.
Find more lifestyle top tips on Audley Stories